The flow, the show, and the here-we-go.

My all-Prince set, the day he died.

For the past 20 years, I’ve had people telling me I should have my own website. I have a flair for the written word, and I also have tons of stupid opinions that divide people, which I happen to really enjoy. I’ve never been one to be very interested in the middle-ground when it comes to opinions — I’d much rather piss people off, or get someone so behind my thought process that they forget about their own.

I’ve been a DJ since 1990, when I was still a teenager. I’ve been collecting records since before that time, having a thirst for weird sounds before I can even remember. Spending my own personal time writing reviews and discussing music on the web is something I’ve spent years doing, occasionally being invited to participate in review programs (Amazon Vine), and even write professionally for other companies and sites. I’m pretty good at it, but I’ve grown weary of giving my thoughts and ideas to other places — why not possess my own thought processes?

Being a DJ over the years has given me a ton of experiences, and even more vinyl. I listen closely, always read the sleeve notes, and have a real affinity of remembering random info, like credits and remix names. I’m that idiot savant lurking in the corner on trivia night who beats the teams of seven people all by myself without really trying too much. At least when it comes to entertainment in general. When it comes to my record collection it’s always been like digging in random spots in the garden and unearthing little treasures. I like to revisit entertainment as well, picking up on the things I missed, then observing why I overlooked those details in the first place. Understanding where people and art intersect is fascinating to me.

I have a record collection of 20,000-strong, many of which are tucked away in storage with the really important ones close-by in my home for easy and quick access. Nonetheless, my storage unit is like a record store of sorts, where I find little treasures, not having been listened to for years and years. As a DJ, I was given a ton of free shit that I never got around to even listening to as well, so poking around my own record collection can seem like I just walked into a record shop I’ve never frequented in my life. I have started digging around in storage, pulling out things to record digitally, with the express purpose of meditating with my collection, and ripping them into a format that can be stuffed into my iPhone for easy listening. It almost feels like I’m cheating a bit as recording my vinyl to digital creates one more step removed from the experience of record culture, but I’m a busy guy just like the next person, and I want to have access to these little discs whenever I strike a fancy to hear them. As I do that, I’m going to create a running commentary as I rip my vinyl, and see where else my creative whimsy takes me. For instance, I’ll be writing a lot about film as well. Movies takes a close second place to music for me, and I’ve got a hell of a lot of things to say about it.

I’d love to hear comments if you have them, the more honest the better! Let me have it! Tell me how right I am! Remind me how clueless I am! I love it all! Lots more to come, and please bear with me as I flesh out the site.

I used to work for Discogs as well, where I wrote a lot about music, interviewed interesting people, and got to do some cool stuff. Discogs recently “updated” their blog, and they archived all content written before 2021 (the years I was there). I’ve been able to retrieve some of it from the archive and post it here on my own site.

To boot, I occasionally make videos over on YouTube.

I also do mixes over on Soundcloud.

5 thoughts on “

  1. What format do you rip the vinyl to? I dont listen to vinyl, i just buy cd’s and copy them as wav files or buy wav files from amazon or bandcamp.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I rip to wav, and then convert to m4a, but I keep the wav files around so I can convert to whatever if I need to. I generally don’t rip things if it’s easily accessible through digital channels, but I have a lot of weird and rare records that I want the music from.


  2. I meant to say qobuz instead of amazon. Although i DO buy cd’s from amazon if theyre not avaiable anywhere else.


  3. As I have told you on YouTube. I enjoy your content. If you moved into other media (movies, books) I wouldn’t be opposed. If you started a Patreon I would gladly be a subscriber. Appreciate you

    Liked by 1 person

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